June 2024 Mini Howl


Mid June Mini Howl


Pride Parade


SEA-PAH will be marching in the Seattle pride parade on Sunday, June 30th! Here are the quick facts and info:

•We are staging at 4th and Columbia in downtown Seattle with the rest of the leather contingent. 

•We anticipate to start walking at 1:40pm, so join us by 12:30pm

•We will have a van and trailer. Each person is responsible for their own belongings, but can store things in the van. Nobody is allowed to go into the van or trailer while it is in motion, no exceptions! Water will be provided but we encourage you to bring a bottle or two yourselves. 

•So we have a rough idea for our attendance, sign up at http://thq.fyi/se/FzozcSc

•We will be on social media sending periodic updates if anything changes. 

•Remember to dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable footwear. 

•We will be trying to get a group picture at around 12:30 pm before we start walking.

Volunteer Opportunities


Special meeting

Camp K9


Art by Fenix & Bizkit

Camp K9 tickets are coming on July 3rd! SEA-PAH members will have priority access to tickets and campsite purchases. Camp K9 will run from Thursday, September 12th to Sunday, September 15th at Elkamp in Mineral, Washington. Campsites sold out within 24 hours, so stay tuned!


Board applications


SEA-PAH members! Board of Directors applications close end of day on June 24th! This is your chance to have a direct impact on our community! Follow the link to send in your application now. The interview and selection process will begin in early July.




Underwear Auction

We will be hosting a fundraising underwear auction at on July mosh on July 13th!

More information coming soon



SEA-PAH Board of Directors

President - Pup Domino 

Vice President (and PR pro tem) - Pup Tye 

Treasurer - Nova 

Secretary - Pup Sinn

Ambassador - Pup Mint

Marketing - Pup Oshawott


Want to contact the board? Email them at Board@seapah.org directly! 




A mini Howl is an Awoo. I just dont have the graphic design skills for a new newsletter heading.